1. What do you love most about your chosen career?


I think what I love the most is that I’m allowed to indulge my own personal interest on a daily basis and earn my keep by telling everyone else about it. Though I’m undoubtedly a car enthusiast through and through, I have a real interest in pretty much anything to do with transportation. It’s an interest that extends to the wider socio-economic topics that are intrinsically linked to mobility too. I also really enjoy communicating, be it verbally or in writing, but I think that’s a given in this job.


2. What’s your go-to activity in your free time?


Funnily enough, it’s communicating. Less work related and more with friends and family. I think you can have and do anything in the world, but nothing beats chat with someone. I’m not very good in my own company!


3. If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to and why?


Ok, so this is a bit predictable for those who’ve known me a long time, but I’d go to Wembley Stadium on Saturday July 12th 1986. Queen were on their final tour ‘The Magic Tour’ with Freddie Mercury. Again, I wasn’t around in Freddie’s lifetime, but to have seen that show live – it’s the impossible dream.


4. What’s next on your bucket list?

I’d love to go to Vietnam and Japan, but I think that might be a little while off given the pandemic. In terms of realistic bucket list, I’ve been lucky enough to fly a plane and go in a hot air balloon. I think the next activity I’d like to try is that zipwire across the quarry in Snowdonia. It pops up in TV programmes from time to time and I always make a mental note that I should do it!


5. What car is in your fantasy garage?


Depends what day of the week you ask me, frankly! The one I can never seem to move past is an old Lancia Delta Integrale. Considering the prices that they fetch, I don’t think I’m the only one.


6. What’s the one skill you’d love to learn


My Grandad was from Cyprus, yet despite this, my Dad wasn’t taught Greek. I’d love to be able to speak another language fluently, so I think I’d opt to learn Greek. I don’t have a great need to speak it, but it would be a nice connection to my roots.