The Challenge

To create a suite of print and animated online advertisements to support FORS, the Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme, for placement in a range of commercial vehicle trade magazines and on websites. FORS is a well-known brand in the commercial vehicle market, this campaign was for placement in newer media sectors, with less detailed knowledge of the brand. So how to use artwork to distil FORS’ messages of efficiency, to differing audiences online and in print?


How Torque Helped

Torque’s design studio worked closely with our marcomms specialists to follow a broad creative brief from the client.  We started with the messaging, aligning each message for each sector with client expectations at every step, agreeing a shortlist of core copy for inclusion, ranking each message by importance.  Next was the creative. Our design team drew up three converse themes, storyboarding artwork, with mock-up treatments presented to the client. When the final theme was selected, we got to work creating artwork and detailed copy to suit the three separate media audiences: truck and transport, bus and coach and local authority procurement teams.



It was important that this suite of adverts stood out in crowded print and online spaces. Previous campaigns focused on customer testimonials, giving a face to the brand. This new campaign went back to the benefits of FORS: efficiency, and safety and why organisations should trust this framework. The simple pencil drawn art created by the Torque in-house team contrasts heavily with other similar ad placements, in these sectors which tend to fil space, and favour vehicle images over more abstract concepts. This campaign encouraged the client to trust the clean white space and let simplified copy and striking images tell the brand story.


March 8, 2021
